Monday, June 13, 2011

And the Winner Is...

Last week, I had the opportunity to help out with the Miss Oklahoma Pageant.  A few years ago I competed and absolutely fell in love with the organization and its purpose of empowering women to reach their educational goals through providing scholarship money.  I might be a little biased, but Oklahoma has some of the greatest women in the country and on stage last week, I got to see their talents, intellect, and beauty, but most of all, I got to see their hearts.  On Saturday night we crowned our new Miss Oklahoma, Betty Thompson.  She is a beautiful girl.  Sweet, talented and cute as a button.  As the results came in, I couldn't help but think about what it felt like when my name was called as Miss Oklahoma and eventually, Miss America.  It was an overwhelming feeling of excitement, the culmination of so much hard work, but at the same time, it was a moment of sheer panic.  I found myself wondering, "What did I just do and what happens now?" 

I was just twenty years old and scared out my mind of the responsibility that had been given to me.  I remember numerous times thinking, "Why would God choose me for this title?"  I think that is the beauty of God's will and perfect timing.  We may not know it at the time, but there is a reason for everything.  It took me a while to figure out why I was chosen as Miss America.  Actually, it has taken me almost five years to figure it out.  You see, God allows things in our lives to happen so it can prepare us for what's to come.  If there is one thing I know about God, it is that His plan will ALWAYS be better than even our wildest dreams could ever be.  When I won Miss America, I thought it was all about 2007 and once that year was over, my purpose for being Miss America ended too.  I can't begin to tell you how wrong I was!

After my year as Miss America, I moved back to Oklahoma City.  I connected with my friend Robin because she did an interview with my mom and me for Mother's Day.  Robin and I began our friendship and a Bible study and I began going to church with her.  It was there that I met my husband and because of her influence and example, I got saved just five short months later.  I married Randy a year after that and now, Robin and I have started a ministry for teen girls and are writing books and Randy and I have an awesome ministry through our band.  What I know now is that my purpose in being Miss America 2007 had little to do with my year of service and everything to do with the ministry He has given me today.  Through the ups and downs, happy times and bad times and even the times when we don't understand, I believe what God's Word says.  "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose."  Romans 8:28

On Saturday night, only one girl walked away with a crown.  There were tears of joy and tears of disappointment, but the truth is, God's plan was perfectly executed Saturday night.  To my girls who competed last week or to any pageant girls who might be reading this, my prayer for each of is that you can walk away with a peace knowing that God has a plan for your life.  Whether that plan includes a crown at the end of the week or not, please know that God's plan is even better than you could ever dream.  There are no coincidences and no accidents in God's economy.  Everything that happens to you passes through the Hand of God first.  Cling to that and know that God holds it all together.  As you walk the road of life, be on the look out for the big and small blessings God is giving you.  You never know what they might lead to.  Check out the song below and rest in the truth of God's Word and the peace that comes from knowing that even if it doesn't work out your way, God has it all planned perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. I love what you said here. I was there the night you were crowned and met you a few years later at Miss America again, I know you can't possibly remember everyone you meet during your year of service but I thought you were the perfect Miss america for the job that year. God truly has a plan and his timing is always perfect. So glad you're staying involved in this wonderful Organization. And it's so exciting to hear of what you're doing now and how you're using what the lord has taught you for HIS glory!

    ps- I love this song! I feel like I've lived every single word of it.
