Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Perfect Purpose

Do you ever have those moments where you know God is telling you something?  You know, those moments where God uses someone in your life to affirm the work you are doing for the Lord or to show you He truly is using you?  I had one of those moments this morning...I work a second job at the university I attend helping answer phones for an office during lunches.  Because of the hectic nature of my mornings, my quiet time and Bible reading is done while I'm at the office.  I work with some of the sweetest people, especially Nancy.  Today, I had my Bible open as she was heading out the door to lunch.  She stopped and said, "I have an idea.  I think we should have a daily scripture here in the office.  Lauren, what are you reading today?"  At first, I was a little surprised at the suggestion, but I shared that I was reading through the book of John.  I told them what I had read today and what I had gleaned from it.  The next few moments are what really took my breath away.  Nancy began sharing her story of salvation and where she is right now in her relationship with God and then she said something that I will forever be grateful for and never forget.  She said, "I think you are working here for a reason."

I tear up just thinking about that sweet, simple phrase.  But isn't that the goal for every Christian?  To be here for a reason?  Think of the life of Esther.  Esther is living in Susa with her uncle Mordecai minding her own business being a regular teenage girl when all of sudden, she is taken to the King's palace to be in the world's biggest beauty contest.  The be named the new queen.  Esther won the favor of the king's eunuch and of the people around her, not just by her outer beauty, but by her inner beauty as well.  She won the king's favor and was named queen over provinces from India to Cush.  In the Book of Esther, it describes her as a Jewish orphan.  Knowing her true identity, but keeping it a secret from the king, she had to wonder, "Why am I here and how did I get into this?" 

The purpose in Esther being placed in the position of queen became evident when Haman began to plot against the Jews and made plans to destroy them.  Mordecai came to Esther and asked her to go before the King and intercede for the Jewish people, an act punishable by death.  At first, Esther was apprehensive about going before the King, but then Mordecai said, "Who knows, perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this."  Esther knew her purpose in becoming queen at that moment.  In the end, Esther approached the King and was granted her request and the Jews were saved from Haman's plot.

You see, if Esther had never become queen, the Jews could have been destroyed because they had no one to intercede on their behalf.  She had a purpose in her position and place, even though at first, she may not have known it.  So what's your purpose?  Do you know what it is or are you still searching?  Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are His creation--created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them."  God prepares works for us to do and He gives us a purpose, but we have to walk in those works and walk with Him to figure it out.  God knew before you were born where you would be today and He has a purpose for you right where you are.  Never doubt that God is using You.  Walk through His perfect plans for your life and He will reveal His purpose as you seek His face.  God bless you friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren,

    Thank you so much for writing this post on Wednesday. I read it yesterday morning and was truly touched. Many aspects of my life have been so chaotic that I have asked more times than once, "What is my purpose here?"

    As God's children, that he loves so dearly, we are most definitely here for a purpose. Your post has encouraged me to continue to seek Him in all I do. So, again, thank you!

    I am so glad things are going well for you and that you are finding your purpose.

    All of my best,

